We are now accepting sponsorships and tabling partners for the
2023 Trans Resistance March and Festival
Why Table with Trans Resistance MA?
Tabling is a great way to connect with community/ Every year, between 700 and 1000 people attend the Trans Resistance March & Festival. Our attendees know that we carefully select partnering organizations, and trust us to work with organizations dedicated to advancing TQBIPOC equity in our city and state. Tabling demonstrates your commitment to the work and gives important access to community.
What do I receive if I choose to table?
All tabling organizations receive a table and two chairs. You may bring promotional materials, including gifts, pamphlets, and handouts. We will also feature you on our website and social media pages.
We offer free and reduced-cost tabling for small nonprofit organizations, especially those led by trans and queer Black and Indigenous people of color. If you have questions about tabling accommodations or any other part of the process, please email us using the link below or contact us using the following form: