We are currently searching for organizers to join our Board of Directors and help us plan the 2nd Annual Trans Resistance March on June 12, 2021 at Franklin Park. Board members are expected to attend monthly board meetings and spend 8-10 hours organizing for Trans Resistance throughout the month. Any more than two unexcused absences from Trans Resistance board meetings will result in possible termination from the board.
Fundraising Organizer:
Draft e appeal campaigns and one end of the year appeal, as well as identifying who should receive appeals.
Develop relationships with major donors and build their leadership as donors to Trans Resistance
Explore and pursue grant proposals to support Trans Resistance’s community programming
Finance Organizer
Pay bills, submit bills, and deposit checks
Maintain QuickBooks;
Prepare financial reports for board meetings on a quarterly basis
Collaborate with boards to create annual budget;
Balance/reconcile checkbooks and accounts
Maintain debit card records;
Coordinate with tax preparer.
Social Media Organizer
Create content for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
Create graphics for print and digital promotional materials
Collaborate with President to develop and manage the social media communication content calendar and strategy for the organization
Communications Organizer
Develop relationships with the media and serve as the media representative
Write and distribute press releases
Edit fundraising solicitations and other communications to members and supporters
Partnerships Organizer
Develop and maintain relationships with community organizations, with a special priority for Black, Indigenous and Trans led organizations
Support the presence of community organizations at the Trans Resistance March & Vigil
Collaborate with community organizations to plan the annual Trans Day of Remembrance commemoration in November.