On July 9, the Boston Pride Board announced that it would officially dissolve. Boston Pride made this decision instead of meeting with TQBIPOC community activists or listening to repeated community demands for the board to resign, transition leadership, and create more inclusive bylaws.
Pride has always belonged to the people.
As Trans Resistance MA increasingly plays a role in helping reshape the future of Pride in Boston, we remain committed to community-driven action that centers and uplifts TQBIPOC leadership and our TQBIPOC community.
We are working in partnership and in solidarity with the following organizations as we move forward in creating an authentic Pride:
Boston Black Pride
Boston Dyke March
Lesbians of Color Symposium
Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition
Men of Melanin Magic
Pride 4 the People Boston
Transgender Emergency Fund
Urban Pride
As we continue this work, please help us meet our $250,000 Black Trans Lives Matter Campaign goal to help Transgender Emergency Fund, our partner organization, create the first trans-led housing program in New England.